Halloween Devil Monkey Amigurumi

monkey amigurumi pattern
Want the pattern?

My monkey amigurumi pattern is available for purchase as part of the CrochetMe calendar ebook on Interweave Store! Download it instantly in PDF format.

Click here to download

Anyone want to see a cute Halloween devil monkey amigurumi?  Here it is!  Our cute version of the devil.  >]



Did you know the devil could look so cute and harmless?  Don’t you just want to pinch his pink little cheekies?  Yes, he’d like that.



To make it look more devilish, we included the little black horns at the top of its head.  And then to top it off, we just cut out some black wings using a thin black foam sheet.



The only problem with this devil monkey amigurumi was that our image of it was completely different.  Janama wanted it to look cute, but I wanted it to look evil…..and maybe cute?  At any rate, I couldn’t help myself and just cut out the wings so that they’d fit my image of the devil.  Sharp, pointed and fancy!  I figured that since the monkey’s face was cute already, I could probably get away with the wings that no one will probably pay much attention to.  Hehe..



The felt face and chest pieces are a dark red color.  If you think about it, isn’t the devil all red?  We could have done white felt, but then it would just end up looking like a Santa Claus monkey… So instead, we just used dark red felt.  Does it look devilish enough?





Such a happy devil!  :)





I even tried to be fancy and cut an extra little edge on the upper tips of the wings.  Did you see them?  If you did notice them…yay.



My black flowers that I bought a long time ago really came in handy here!  I really liked how they looked but could never seem to find a place for them.  Now they look happy and perfectly at home with our devil monkey amigurumi.



There’s still lots more where this Halloween devil monkey amigurumi came from so we’ll keep you updated on the others very soon!

monkey amigurumi pattern
Want the pattern?

My monkey amigurumi pattern is available for purchase as part of the CrochetMe calendar ebook on Interweave Store! Download it instantly in PDF format.

Click here to download

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  • devil monkey
  • devil monkeys
  • devil monkey pictures
  • monkey devil
  • amigurumi devil
  • devil monkey cryptid
  • images of devil monkey
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  • monster monkeys
Post Details

Posted October 22nd, 2011 at 3:50am
Filed under Amigurumi, Animals, Halloween

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